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Vertical Magazine - out of 2022
Vertical Magazine - out of 2022

In "Vertical" (Vertical) magazine's 2022 annual "helicopter engine manufacturers" survey, the second peak helicopter engine company by readers as "best engine manufacturers.

Since 2014, the journal vertical services to manufacturers, the quality of products and support to carry out the evaluation.The survey for the global civil industry in all operations, or maintenance helicopter flight and the organization of engine.

Safran helicopter engine company in "the overall service satisfaction" and "on behalf of on-site technical support" "training quality" "the plane stops (AOG) service" "commitment to product improvement" and "digital service" and so on are ranked first in the class.

Safran helicopter engine, chief executive of Sue degrees (Franck Saudo) said: "in the journal vertical survey ranked the first it is the pride of our global team, that's why we redouble our efforts to bring customers the best products of an incentive."

Safran (亚慱体育app官网下载ios)Is an international high-tech group company, the business scope covers the aviation (propulsion, equipment, and built-in), defense and aerospace fields.Its core purpose is committed to building more security and sustainable development of the world, let air transport more environmental protection, comfort and convenience.The business activities worldwide, the safran has76800Employees,2021Annual turnover for153Million euros.Separate or through cooperation, safran world or European leader in its core market.

Safran is listed on the nyse euronext Paris, FranceIn FranceThe stoxx index and Europe50One of the index company.

Safran helicopter engine company(亚慱体育app官网下载iosSafran Helicopter Engines) is the world's leading helicopter engine manufacturers, since its establishment has produced more than 75000 sets of helicopter engine.Company can provide the world's most widely helicopter vortex axis engine thrust level, now has come from more than 2500 customers in 155 countries around the world.

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