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The aviation industry's chief technology officer to release sustainable aviation plan a joint statement

The environment

Chief technology officer of the joint statement of sustainable aviation - photo
Chief technology officer of the joint statement of sustainable aviation - photo

London, on October 26, 2021

Today, seven leading aircraft manufacturer's chief technology officer (CTO) in a joint statement reiterated their to achieve a more sustainable aviation and the industry of air transport operations team goal commitment.The statement of unified CTO group in June 2019 the commitment was updated, as part of the common ground, to support the industry in 2050 net grand target of zero carbon emissions.

Airbus, Boeing, dassault aviation, GE aviation, pratt & Whitney, lolo and safran chief technology officer will also to the policy-making departments, research institutions, manufacturers and suppliers, fuel airport operators issued initiative, on the basis of the progress made in recent years, realize the sustainable development of the aviation industry milestones.
Released a joint statement, everyone's chief technology officer gathered through ADS (the British aerospace, defense, security and aerospace industry group) held in London in the United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) 26th the conference of the parties (COP26) activities and trade shows before the meeting to discuss the progress of the aviation sustainability.

The company's chief technology officer to aviation technology of the three core areas:
• promote advanced aircraft and engine design and technology
Support to increase sustainable aviation fuel (hereinafter referred to as the "SAF") the availability and use, and the feasibility study on the hydrogen as fuel in the future
Net, continue to develop new technology, finally realizes the zero carbon aviation, industry to maintain the safety and quality standards.

The seven chief technology officer of belonging to a company in the past five years a total of more than $75 billion on r&d spending, they put forward the following initiatives:
, policy-making departments adopt planned sustainable ways to support the development of new technology, and promote SAF and green promotion of hydrogen production capacity
• global unified regulatory system and certification standards
, research institutions and aerospace supplier in cooperation in the development of new technology
• fuel producers of SAF production capacity investment
• airport operators to support the new infrastructure needed for aviation technology investment

Issued a joint commitment since 2019, seven companies of action for the realization of net zero carbon emissions include improving the current fleet in service and future technical measures such as:

airbusAnnounced the delivery around 2035 years ago the grand goal of the world's first zero-emissions plane and launched three hydrogen concept plane, revealed the company is committed to the promise of high potential for commercial aviation development technology.As part of the company's overall roadmap, airbus also participated in the "100% SAF climate impact" project, which in its fleet to 2030 on the implementation USES 100% SAF certification.

BoeingPromised that by 2030, the company's commercial aircraft will be able to 100% SAF flight, to continue in their environmental test machine (ecoDemonstrator) project test new technology, and announced with SkyNRG company and SkyNRG Americas company to establish a partnership, in order to expand the use of SAF.Boeing has also formed a joint venture with Kitty Hawk company Wisk, 1500 times of automatic driving through all electric air flight of a taxi to promote urban air traffic in the future.Hydrogen Boeing completed the fifth flight test projects;The Insitu's cooperation with subsidiary developed by hydrogen proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell powered ScanEagle3 unmanned aerial vehicle.

Dassault aviationActively promote the use of SAF, its "falcon" series is compatible with SAF.Dassault aviation在参与欧盟“洁净天空2”(Clean Sky 2)和法国民航研究委员会(以下简称“Corac”)所组织项目的工作重点是通过减少飞机阻力和重量来降低油耗。达索航空还在欧盟Sesar项目中利用专门定制的飞行路线来提高飞行效率,并改善燃油消耗。公司还参与了与未来飞机氢动力相关的Corac项目。

GE aviationPerfecting megawatt integrated hybrid system, and NASA (NASA) in order to realize the common display single-aisle aircraft flight readiness, and leading the industry definition of 100% SAF standard.

GE and safranLaunched in June 2021 joint CFM RISE (sustainable engine revolutionary innovation) project, to display and promote the disruptive technology, including open fan and hybrid, the target is compared with today's most efficient engine, more than 20% lower fuel consumption and co2 emissions.The project's goals include ensure compatible with SAF and 100% hydrogen.

Pratt & WhitneyWith DE havilland Canadian companies, Collins aerospace company and the Canadian government to cooperate, to develop hybrid electric flight demo machine to make a major new investment, the target is compared with the current regional turboprop aircraft, to raise its fuel efficiency by 30%, and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 30%.Pratt & Whitney also in the development of core technology, more efficient engines in carlsbad, California recently opened a new engineering and research and development facilities, committed to the development of ceramic matrix composites (CMC).Company is continuing to verify by as much as 100% SAF running engine.

ROM. ROM.Has joined the United Nations "toward Zero carbon" (Race to Zero), and strive to achieve all of its trent 2023 engine (accounts for 40% of the world's long-haul fleet) are compatible with 100% SAF, this has to do with the United Nations in 2030 years ago in using of SAF Zero carbon breakthrough.Company will target SAF compatibility and executive compensation, 100% for SAF to two big aircraft and an executive jet engine test;Also signed a memorandum of understanding with shell company, agreed to the use of development and accelerate the SAF.ROM. ROM.已开发了其所期望的全球最快的全电动飞机,并在全电动和城市空中交通(UAM)市场与客户签署了相关协议,助力将在2025年前投入市场的产品。

safranWith total energy established a strategic cooperative partnership, work together to develop and deploy can completely replace fossil fuels in current and future engine SAF, hastening to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the airline industry.Safran and airbusAriane group will rely on the joint venture (ArianeGroup) professional ability and testing facilities pave the way for the industry's hydrogen technology.

Chief technology officer, said in a joint statement, compared with 50 years ago, today's air freight revenue passenger kilometers (RPK) fuel consumption reduced by 80%, and the industry accounted for 2.5% of all man-made co2 emissions, but also created 4% of global GDP and bring 88 million jobs.

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Safra亚慱体育app官网下载iosn (Safran)Is an international high-tech group company, the business scope covers the aviation (propulsion, equipment, and built-in), defense and aerospace fields.Its core purpose is committed to building more security and sustainable development of the world, let air transport more environmental protection, comfort and convenience.Safran business all over the world, with 76000 employees, 2020 annual turnover of 16.5 billion euros.Separate or through cooperation, safran global or regional leadership position in its core market.safran在其技术创新路线图中承诺将大力开展以环境为主导的研发项目。

Safran is listed on the nyse euronext Paris, French CAC40 and euro stoxx 50 index is one of the company.

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